Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cleaning Coffee Makers

Cleaning your coffee maker is necessary to keep your machine producing great tasting coffee. Each machine type will require a different cleaning method. We discuss how to clean popular coffee machines such as espresso machines, moka pots (stove top brewers), French Press and Drip Filter brewers.

(140 CALORIES, 2.5G FAT EACH)Each of the 14 flavors in this new line, including cake batter and coffee, fulfills 20 percent of your daily vitamin D needs--more than 25 times what most soft-serve delivers.The French Press brewer is a snap to clean. Simply remove the plunger and empty the spent coffee into a rubbish bin. Use soapy water to clean the plunger and the glass jug.Kefir is a tangy drink made from fermented milk; this 99-percent-lactose-free iced version is a good bet for those who typically dodge dairy.6. Rinse everything out by running 8 cups of cold fresh water through your machine at least 4 times.Craig.http://www.the-java-cafe.comFrom the makers of Skinny Cow comes a frozen yogurt-and-cookie combo with less than half the fat of a regular ice cream sandwich.LIFEWAY FROZEN KEFIR1. Remove the group handle from the espresso machine and empty the coffee puck into a rubbish bin. Rinse the group handle with warm water.2. Pour your chosen cleaning solution into the filter basket in the group handle. With your espresso machine ready to brew, put the group handle in the espresso machine just like you were going to brew some coffee.Moka Pots5. Start it up again, and let the rest of the cleaning solution run through the machine.3. With a bowl under the group handle, start the machine and begin pulling the 'shots'.One of many problems with conventional drip coffee makers and espresso automatic coffee machines is cleaning the coffee machine after wards is a big job and including the kitchen sink getting blocked with spent coffee grounds. With this single cup coffee maker because each of the ingredients are enclosed within the sealed capsule, all you have got to do is dispose the used capsule straight into the garbage bin. There is no reason to be having to deal with messy used coffee grounds.3. Turn on your coffee maker (without the filter) and let about half of the water solution run through the machine.JALA FROZEN YOGURT SANDWICHESThe Drip Filter brewer is very easy to clean. Just follow these 6 simply steps:7. Now using the brush for your espresso machine, clean any residue from under the brewing group. Once complete, turn it on to give the group head another rinse.The high quality coffee pods are made by Sara Lee�s Douwe Egberts brand, one of Europe�s premiere coffee brands. The cappuccino pod contains a dark roast blend of coffee with a separate layer of creamer so it will it blends evenly with the coffee. This espresso machine brews a consistent well balanced cup of coffee on every occasion with a unique crema coffee layer. Brewing a sensational cup of fresh gourmet espresso on every occasion at the touch of a button, makes a great gift for coffee lovers.2. Add 4 cups of cold water to the solution and pour the solution into the water chamber.French Press or Plunger6. Turn your machine on without the group handle in. This will fully rinse the group itself.You will be delighted with all the different blend Senseo coffee pods available to you. You have a good variety of popular tea blends, so nobody feels left out. All of the ingredients needed are contained in the sealed capsule. All you have got to do is decide on the blend you would like to brew and position the pod in the espresso machine, and in 65 seconds you have your connoisseur style coffee.(90 CALORIES, 1G FAT PER 1/2 CUP)Cheers,


Author: Craig Barista

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